Gym’ll Fix It

5 Jun

Today was my first day back in the  gym after 2 weeks.  The reason I spent this fortnight not bouncing around on the treadmill is that my Multiple Sclerosis flared up, but now I am fighting fit again!  Apart from falling over and twisting my ankle on the way there, that is.  Don’t worry, all that was damaged was my pride!
Getting an honourable mention today is Gareth, a fellow gym-goer, who is considerably fitter than I am, but also comes across difficulties at times.  Today’s difficulty for him was the sun… how very British of him!  I’m sure he’d complain if the weather was foul.  As would I!
Despite all the obstacles though, I still feel it was an ok session, and will try to do at least thirty minutes a day from now.  I need to look good at The Rocky Horror Show!!

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