Tag Archives: Stephen King

Follow um… Thursday

14 Aug

How lovely!  I just received a ‘follow’ on Twitter from the partner of sci-fi/fantasy author Tad Williams!  Naturally I, in turn, have ‘followed’ her.  Twitter and WordPress do appear to be very good networking tools for people trying to carve out a path in writing!

So if you do fancy sharing my blog with others you think may be interested in networking, then by all means, feel free!  Comments are welcome too, of course!

I have been very lazy today and not written or edited anything at all… Far too busy reading Salem’s Lot by Stephen King.  Once I’ve devoured it, I think I might watch both TV adaptations in order to bemoan their probable lack of faith to the source material.

And tomorrow I have a damned hospital appointment, though I may take my Nexus 7 on the train and hook up the annoying little keyboard and mouse and do some hammering on my ghostly tale on my THREE HOUR train journey!!!

Maybe I’ll sign off now and try to go for about 500 words, just to alleviate my guilt, as I can’t writer tomorrow; the Big Brother final is on!!!

Ta-Ta For Now!

Read it, edit, um… send out to market it!

13 Aug

Ok, the title of this post was awful, but it’s very difficult to think of witticisms to use in that little box up there!  Maybe I should just try to be succinct instead of amusing when naming these posts…

The reason for posting today is to shout from the cyber-rooftop: Yay!  I just finished editing a story that I started writing a while back and put in the bottom of an electronic drawer on my hard-drive.  Now that i have removed the superfluous, supernumerary and supermispelt words and fixed a little continuity error that glared at me as I re-read the story, I am ready to start looking for markets to submit it to for publication!

As the story is nearly 4,700 words long, I think it is more befitting for an anthology than a ‘zine, so I will hit Dark Markets and look for any houses that are looking for horror with a streak of sci-fi.

Hopefully my previous submission is the start of a streak, but I am not going to get complacent and think that I will end up with more acceptances than rejections, because that is just the wrong attitude to have, in my opinion!

After the story is submitted, it’s back to Microsoft word to finish the first draft of a ghost story I have already found a market to submit to, which is also an anthology!

This writing lark is draining and fun!
